Arshile Gorky (d. 1904, Khorkom (Dilkaya), Van – ö. 1948, Sherman, Connecticut) Vosdanik Adoian adıyla dünyaya gelen, Ermeni asıllı bir ressamdır. Memleketinden 1915’te ailesiyle beraber kaçan Gorky, 1920’de ABD’ye taşındı. Boston’daki School of Fine Art and Design’da eğitim gördükten sonra New York’a taşındı ve New School of Design’da öğretim görevlisi oldu. 1935’te Whitney Museum of American Art’ta yer aldığı Abstract Painting in America [Amerika’da Soyut Resim] adlı sergide eleştirmenlerin beğenilerini topladı. Sürrealistlerin biyomorfik biçimlerini benimsedi ve soyut dışavurumculuğun ortaya çıkışında payı büyüktü. Renk ve biçime olan eşsiz yaklaşımı sayesinde seyirciye acılı çocukluk anılarının yanı sıra, kaybettiği memleketine dair güzel ve nostaljik hislerini aktarmayı başardı.
Arshile Gorky (b. 1904, Khorkom (Dilkaya), Van – d. 1948, Sherman, Connecticut) was born Vosdanik Adoian and was a painter of Armenian origin. Fleeing his hometown with his family in 1915, Gorky moved to the United States in 1920. After attending the School of Fine Art and Design in Boston, Gorky moved to New York City and established himself as a teacher at the New School of Design. In 1935, he achieved critical attention by appearing at the Whitney Museum of American Art in a show called Abstract Painting in America. He adopted the biomorphic forms of the Surrealist painters and was crucial to the emergence of Abstract Expressionism. By means of his unique approach to colour and form, he was able to communicate to the viewer his painful childhood experiences as well as the pleasant and nostalgic sentiments he felt toward his lost homeland.